
Cancer and Soursop Leaf

soursop leaves for cancerUntil now, cancer is a scourge for people all over the world. And various studies have been conducted to find the best cancer drugs.
You might know, how many cancer patients which suffer because of side effects of chemotherapy. But do you know how smart soursop leaf to handle the cancer cells?. Let’s discuss together the ability of soursop leaf for handle the cancer cells, crippling and kill it. That’s why I say to you, soursop leaves for cancer.
The first reason, why soursop leaves for cancer?, these is a herbal medicine
Soursop leaf is one of the traditional ingredients, and we know if the herbal remedies has advantages over chemical drugs. Because the soursop leaves is nothing like chemotherapy which has many side effects.
However, based on facts that occurred, you will easily have heat in the body and shortness of breath. All this is a process performed soursop leaves in destroying cancer cells. So you don’t have to worry about this.
The second reason, why soursop leaves for cancer?, these is the best combination
There are many herbal medicine for cancer such as soursop leaves for cancer, noni juice for cancer, rodent tuber for cancer and another herbal medicine. Are you know?, if the herbal medicines have a different ways of destroying cancer cells. So if you combine them, they will become weapons very effective for curing cancer compared to chemotherapy.
These is the best way for killing cancer cell naturally.
The third reason, why soursop leaves for cancer?, readily available and very cheap
Where can you find the chemotherapy, radiation, drugs and even surgery?. You will only find it in big hospitals and special hospital of cancer. How if you live in the village?
Then, are you already preparing insurance?, Or a huge cost for such treatment?
Compare it, if you are looking for some soursop leaves for cancer?
All of that is a comparison for you, soursop leaves so easily obtained and so low cost which you spend to cure cancer.
The fourth reason, why soursop leaves for cancer?, very easy to be processed
It is easy for processing soursop leaves. Provide 10-15 soursop leaves with aging medium and 3 cups of water. Boil until boiling and the remaining 2 cups, after that filtered. Boil again soursop leaves with 2 cups of water until remaining 1 cup. Combine the first boiling water and the second results. So it will get 3 cups of boiling water soursop leaves. Drink 3 times a day.
Very easy to make water soursop leaf decoction for cancer.
The fifth reason, why soursop leaves for cancer?, there are many products processed leaves of soursop
You should not hesitate for consume boiling water of soursop leaves. Everything was easy, if you feel the water boiled of soursop leaves are tasty, you can try it in a tea or capsule. Currently of soursop leaves are known to the world, so you don’t need to hesitate about the benefits.
The sixth reason, why soursop leaves for cancer?, soursop leaves are smarter than chemotherapy
Substances contained in the leaves of soursop (acetogenins) are better able to differentiate between cancer cells and healthy cells, different from chemotherapy. It’s only distinguishes cells that perform fast fission, so if there is healthy cells which perform fission quickly, then it will be detected as bad cells by chemotherapy medication. And all of these different from the acetogenins, It was able to distinguish abnormal cells with normal cells.
So that, soursop leaves for cancer is one of the best choice for cancer patient.
How to process the soursop leaves for cancer
There are two ways you can use to obtain benefits soursop leaves for cancer, directly boiled or dry it first. But this time I will only discuss how to boil it.
  1. 10 – 15 soursop leaves, with a half old
  2. A containers made ??of earthenware (pottery)
  3. 3 cups of water + 2 cups water
How to process
  1. Boil the soursop leaves in a first water (3 cups) until the remaining 2 cups, and strain the cooking water
  2. The soursop leaves are boiled again use 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, and filtered
  3. Mix the both of cooking water
  4. Drink 3 times a day, each 1 cup

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